Table of Contents

Namespace Stride.CommunityToolkit.Scripts



Provides an interactive 2D camera controller for navigating 2D scenes in Stride. This controller supports movement in the XY-plane using keyboard inputs (W, A, S, D, arrow keys), zooming in and out with the mouse wheel, and moving the camera based on mouse position near screen edges. Additional features include a speed boost when holding shift and the ability to reset the camera to a default position and zoom level using the 'H' key.


A script that allows to move and rotate an entity through keyboard, mouse and touch input to provide basic camera navigation.


Provides in-game profiling functionality, allowing the monitoring and analysis of game performance in real time. This script facilitates the toggling of profiling, setting display preferences, and navigating through profiling data.




Represents a three dimensional line based on a 2 points in space.