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Class TextureCanvas


A helper class for simple image processing

public class TextureCanvas : IDisposable


TextureCanvas(RenderContext, Size2?, PixelFormat)

public TextureCanvas(RenderContext renderContext, Size2? size, PixelFormat pixelFormat = PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8_UNorm)


renderContext RenderContext
size Size2?
pixelFormat PixelFormat



Calculates the texture size in bytes

public int ByteSize { get; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the current pixel format

public PixelFormat PixelFormat { get; set; }

Property Value



Setting a different pixel format may cause a resample of the already drawn back buffer or call the setter before you start drawing.
You may consider using Resample(Size2, PixelFormat, SamplingPattern) if you also want to change the size in a single operation.


Gets or sets the current texture size

public Size2 Size { get; set; }

Property Value



Setting a different size may cause a resample of the already drawn back buffer or call the setter before you start drawing.
You may consider using Resample(Size2, PixelFormat, SamplingPattern) if you also want to change the pixel format in a single operation.


Apply(ImageEffect, params Texture?[]?)

Applies an image effect to the buffer texture

public void Apply(ImageEffect effect, params Texture?[]? inputs)


effect ImageEffect

The image effect to apply

inputs Texture[]

The input textures


Null, Empty arrays or array entries with null as a value will be replaced by the current drawing buffer
The output will always be replaced by the TextureCanvas as a single output.

BrightFilter(float, float, Color3?)

Applies a BrightFilter effect.

public void BrightFilter(float threshold = 0.2, float steepness = 1, Color3? colorMultiplier = null)


threshold float

The threshold relative to the white point

steepness float

the smooth-step steepness for bright pass filtering.

colorMultiplier Color3?

Modulates bright areas with the provided color. It affects the color of sub-sequent bloom, light-streak effects


Clears the current drawing context and releases internal texture buffers

public void Clear()


Applies a CoCMapBlur effect.

public void CoCMapBlur(int radius = 4)


radius int

The radius.


Applies a color multiply effect.

public void Colorize(Color4 colorMultiplier)


colorMultiplier Color4

The color multiplier

Combine(Texture?[]?, float[]?, Color3[]?)

Applies a ColorCombiner effect.

public void Combine(Texture?[]? textures = null, float[]? factors = null, Color3[]? colorMultipliers = null)


textures Texture[]

The textures combine (use null to use the current drawing buffer as a texture input)

factors float[]

The factors used to multiply the colors.

colorMultipliers Color3[]

The color multiplier of each texture. Default is White


Null, Empty arrays or array entries with null as a value will be replaced by the current drawing buffer


Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

public void Dispose()

DrawRect(Rectangle, Stretch, Anchor, SamplingPattern)

public void DrawRect(Rectangle destinationRect, TextureCanvas.Stretch stretch = Stretch.Stretch, TextureCanvas.Anchor anchor = Anchor.TopLeft, SamplingPattern samplingPattern = SamplingPattern.Linear)


destinationRect Rectangle
stretch TextureCanvas.Stretch
anchor TextureCanvas.Anchor
samplingPattern SamplingPattern

DrawTexture(Texture, Rectangle, Rectangle, Color4?, Stretch, Anchor, SamplingPattern)

Draws a texture to the TextureCanvas

public void DrawTexture(Texture sourceTexture, Rectangle sourceRect, Rectangle destinationRect, Color4? colorMultiplier = null, TextureCanvas.Stretch stretch = Stretch.Stretch, TextureCanvas.Anchor anchor = Anchor.TopLeft, SamplingPattern samplingPattern = SamplingPattern.Linear)


sourceTexture Texture

The source texture to draw

sourceRect Rectangle

The sub rectangle of the source texture to draw

destinationRect Rectangle

The sub rectangle of the target texture

colorMultiplier Color4?

The color multiplier. Default is White

stretch TextureCanvas.Stretch

The stretch mode

anchor TextureCanvas.Anchor

The anchor mode

samplingPattern SamplingPattern

The sampling pattern

DrawTexture(Texture, Rectangle, Color4?, Stretch, Anchor, SamplingPattern)

Draws a texture to the TextureCanvas

public void DrawTexture(Texture sourceTexture, Rectangle destinationRect, Color4? colorMultiplier = null, TextureCanvas.Stretch stretch = Stretch.Stretch, TextureCanvas.Anchor anchor = Anchor.TopLeft, SamplingPattern samplingPattern = SamplingPattern.Linear)


sourceTexture Texture

The source texture to draw

destinationRect Rectangle

The sub rectangle of the target texture in percentages

colorMultiplier Color4?

The color multiplier. Default is White

stretch TextureCanvas.Stretch

The stretch mode

anchor TextureCanvas.Anchor

The anchor mode

samplingPattern SamplingPattern

The sampling pattern

DrawTexture(Texture, RectangleF, RectangleF, Color4?, Stretch, Anchor, SamplingPattern)

Draws a texture to the TextureCanvas using rectangles with percentage values

public void DrawTexture(Texture sourceTexture, RectangleF relativeSourceRect, RectangleF relativeDestinationRect, Color4? colorMultiplier = null, TextureCanvas.Stretch stretch = Stretch.Stretch, TextureCanvas.Anchor anchor = Anchor.TopLeft, SamplingPattern samplingPattern = SamplingPattern.Linear)


sourceTexture Texture

The source texture to draw

relativeSourceRect RectangleF

The sub rectangle of the source texture to draw in percentages

relativeDestinationRect RectangleF

The sub rectangle of the target texture in percentages

colorMultiplier Color4?

The color multiplier. Default is White

stretch TextureCanvas.Stretch

The stretch mode

anchor TextureCanvas.Anchor

The anchor mode

samplingPattern SamplingPattern

The sampling pattern

DrawTexture(Texture, RectangleF, Color4?, Stretch, Anchor, SamplingPattern)

Draws a texture to the TextureCanvas using a rectangle with percentage values

public void DrawTexture(Texture sourceTexture, RectangleF relativeDestinationRect, Color4? colorMultiplier = null, TextureCanvas.Stretch stretch = Stretch.Stretch, TextureCanvas.Anchor anchor = Anchor.TopLeft, SamplingPattern samplingPattern = SamplingPattern.Linear)


sourceTexture Texture

The source texture to draw

relativeDestinationRect RectangleF

The sub rectangle of the target texture in percentages

colorMultiplier Color4?

The color multiplier. Default is White

stretch TextureCanvas.Stretch

The stretch mode

anchor TextureCanvas.Anchor

The anchor mode

samplingPattern SamplingPattern

The sampling pattern

DrawTexture(Texture, Color4?, Stretch, Anchor, SamplingPattern)

Draws a texture to the drawing context

public void DrawTexture(Texture sourceTexture, Color4? colorMultiplier = null, TextureCanvas.Stretch stretch = Stretch.Stretch, TextureCanvas.Anchor anchor = Anchor.TopLeft, SamplingPattern samplingPattern = SamplingPattern.Linear)


sourceTexture Texture

The source texture to draw

colorMultiplier Color4?

The color multiplier. Default is White

stretch TextureCanvas.Stretch

The stretch mode

anchor TextureCanvas.Anchor

The anchor mode

samplingPattern SamplingPattern

The sampling pattern

GaussianBlur(int, float)

Applies a GaussianBlur effect.

public void GaussianBlur(int radius = 4, float sigmaRatio = 2)


radius int

The radius.

sigmaRatio float

The sigma ratio. The sigma ratio is used to calculate the sigma based on the radius: The actual formula is sigma = radius / SigmaRatio. The default value is 2.0f.


Copies the current texture data to a byte array

public byte[] GetData()




Copies the current texture data to a byte array

public void GetData(byte[] data)


data byte[]

The data array to store the data


Replaces the current TextureCanvas with a texture loaded from a byte[]

public void Load(byte[] data)


data byte[]

The byte[] containing file data


This method also replaces the current size and pixel format. Use Resample(Size2, PixelFormat, SamplingPattern) to change it afterwards.


Replaces the current TextureCanvas with a texture loaded from a Stream

public void Load(Stream stream)


stream Stream

The Stream containing file data


This method also replaces the current size and pixel format. Use Resample(Size2, PixelFormat, SamplingPattern) to change it afterwards.


Replaces the current TextureCanvas with a texture loaded from the local file system

public void Load(string path)


path string

The file path


This method also replaces the current size and pixel format. Use Resample(Size2, PixelFormat, SamplingPattern) to change it afterwards.


Applies a grey scale effect by copying the red channel to blue and green and optionally also recolors the resulting image.

public void Recolorize(Color4? colorMultiplier = null)


colorMultiplier Color4?

The color multiplier. Default is White

Resample(Size2, PixelFormat, SamplingPattern)

Resamples the texture in a different size or pixel format

public void Resample(Size2 size, PixelFormat pixelFormat, SamplingPattern samplingPattern = SamplingPattern.Linear)


size Size2

The new size

pixelFormat PixelFormat

The new pixel format

samplingPattern SamplingPattern

The sampling pattern

SetData(byte[], int, int, PixelFormat)

Replaces the current TextureCanvas with a texture loaded from a byte[] containing pixel data

public void SetData(byte[] data, int width, int height, PixelFormat pixelFormat)


data byte[]

The byte[] containing pixel data

width int

The width of the new texture

height int

The height of the new texture

pixelFormat PixelFormat

The pixel format of the new texture


This method also replaces the current size and pixel format. Use Resample(Size2, PixelFormat, SamplingPattern) to change it afterwards.

Store(Stream, ImageFileType)

Stores the current texture to a Stream in the selected file format

public void Store(Stream stream, ImageFileType fileType)


stream Stream

The target stream

fileType ImageFileType

The file type to write

Store(string, ImageFileType?)

Stores the current texture to a file in the local file system.

public void Store(string path, ImageFileType? fileType = null)


path string

The target file path

fileType ImageFileType?

The file type to write or null for automatic inference based on the file extension


Copies the current texture data to a new texture

public Texture ToTexture(TextureFlags flags = TextureFlags.ShaderResource)


flags TextureFlags



Transform(IEnumerable<ColorTransform>?, IEnumerable<ColorTransform>?, IEnumerable<ColorTransform>?)

Applies a ColorTransformGroup effect.

public void Transform(IEnumerable<ColorTransform>? transforms = null, IEnumerable<ColorTransform>? preTransforms = null, IEnumerable<ColorTransform>? postTransforms = null)


transforms IEnumerable<ColorTransform>

The color transforms to apply

preTransforms IEnumerable<ColorTransform>

The color pre-transforms to apply

postTransforms IEnumerable<ColorTransform>

The color post-transforms to apply