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Stride Community Toolkit Documentation

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The Stride Community Toolkit is currently in development. Documentation is incomplete and may contain errors. We published it early for your convenience, ahead of the toolkit's completion.

👋 Introduction

The Stride Community Toolkit is a comprehensive set of C# helpers and extensions designed to enhance your experience with the Stride Game Engine. It simplifies and exemplifies routine development tasks 🛠️, enabling you to build applications for Stride using .NET 8 with ease 🎉.

🔧 Installation

Available as a 📦 NuGet package, the Stride Community Toolkit can be easily integrated into new or existing Stride Game C# projects. For more information on how to get started, please refer to the Getting Started page.

🚀 Rapid Prototyping and Development

This toolkit serves as our preferred solution for rapid 🏃 prototyping and accelerated game development. Unlike the more stable Stride Game Engine, the Stride Community Toolkit aims for a faster development momentum. As such, breaking changes are not only likely but should be expected. This approach allows us to quickly iterate and integrate new features and improvements. We believe this pace serves the needs of developers who are looking for cutting-edge tools and are comfortable with a more dynamic environment.

🛠️ Toolkit Repository

The Stride Community Toolkit is an open-source, MIT licensed project hosted on GitHub and supported by the community. Access the source code or contribute 🤝 to the toolkit on its GitHub Repository.

🎮 Game Engine Repository

Access the source code or contribute 🤝 to the Stride Game Engine on its GitHub Repository. Explore a comprehensive guide on the Stride Docs website.

📃 Documentation & Resources

Explore a range of resources to help you get the most out of the Stride Community Toolkit:

  • Manual: Get detailed guidance and best practices for using the toolkit.
  • Tutorials: Step-by-step tutorials to help you learn various features of the toolkit.
  • Release Notes: Stay updated with the latest changes and improvements.
  • API Reference: In-depth API documentation for a deep dive into the toolkit's capabilities.

These resources are designed to provide comprehensive information and support for developers at all levels, from beginners to advanced users.

👥 Contributors

This section highlights the amazing contributors who have helped enhance the Stride Community Toolkit with their efforts.